Building for sale in Rawdat Nakhalan in Sabya, complete external plastering and interior decoration, gypsum ceilings only, and plastering of the interior walls. The building consists of one reinforced floor, three rooms, a hall, a kitchen, three bathrooms, a warehouse, and an unfenced courtyard.
Internal foundations, electricity and sewage (may God protect you).
The property has a mortgage to Al Rajhi Bank.
The location of the building is Sabya Governorate, Rawdat Nakhalan plan, plot number 3737, land area 495 square meters, and building area 183 square meters.
The building is for sale and all the above information is clear. For more details and pictures, contact us.
Information of the General Authority for Real Estate.
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License number for advertising
وصف موقع العقار حسب الصك : الهوية العقارية رقم 21002900003227 الموصوفة بقطعة الأرض "3737" الواقعة في مخطط 372202000913 / س في مدينة صبيا
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